Saving the planet one cup at a time

2619 National Ave., San Diego, CA 92113
Store hours: M-F/8 am - 5 pm

Coffee. You drink it every day, so there's lots of time to ponder its impact on the planet. From an sustainability point of view, few foods are more controversial. What country is it from? How are the workers treated? Is it shade grown? Organic? Does it come in a styrofoam cup? Is it from a chain or the corner bistro? Fortunately San Diego is home to one very progressive little bean brewer: Cafe Moto.

GOOD: Cafe Moto is a small, family-owned business that sells only organic and fair trade products. They brew coffee and package their wares in a downtown building made of recycled materials and powered exclusively by the sun and natural gas. They even donate their old burlap coffee bean sacks to the San Diego Zoo. Apparently tigers love to play with them!
BAD: The actual shop is out of the way and while several local business sell their coffee, it can be hard to find. But then staying small (a good thing) is one of Cafe Moto's goals.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Buy Cafe Moto coffee, tea, chocolate, and other gear online or at their downtown headquarters. Or look for Cafe Moto coffee served at the Landmark Theatre in La Jolla. What could be better than an indie movie and cup of joe you can feel good about?

BOTTOM LINE: 5 Stars*****

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